NORCOR bio-psykososiale prosjektet ble startet i 2014 og pågår fremdeles. Det ledes av Toril Dammen og studerer psykologiske faktorer, genetiske mekanismer og utvikler og tester nye behandlingsmodeller for koronarpasienter med angst, depresjon og søvnproblemer. Prosjektet benytter data som ble samlet inn i NORCOR kohort studien. I tillegg ble det gjennomført psykiatriske intervjuer blant 50 pasienter som deltok i tverrsnitt-studien.

Prosjektet benytter også kliniske og genetiske data fra mer enn 400 000 pasienter fra United Kingdom (UK) biobank og databasen 23andme.

I 2019 ble det gjennomført en åpen intervensjonsstudie hvor vi tester effekten av en ny psykologisk behandling til hjertepasienter med angst og depresjon.

Prosjektet omfatter per i dag 4 PhD stipendiater.


  1. Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) in patients with coronary heart disease: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial with six months follow-upEuropean Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2024
  2. Risk of recurrent cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease patients with Type D personality. Frontiers in Psychology, vol 14, 2023
  3. Psychiatric disorders, rumination, and metacognitions in patients with type D personality and coronary heart disease, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2023
  4. Predictors of health-related quality of life in outpatients with coronary heart diseaseFrontiers in Psychlogy 2023
  5. Health-related quality of life in outpatients with coronary heart disease: impact of type D personality, depression, anxiety and insomniaEuropean Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2023
  6. Attention training technique delivered in groups as treatment for anxiety and depression in patients with coronary heart disease: Study protocol for a waiting-list randomised controlled trialFrontiers in Psychology 2023.
  7. Insomnia as a predictor of recurrent cardiovascular events in patients with coronary heart diseaseSleep Research Society, 2022
  8. Shared genetic loci between depression and cardiometabolic traitsPLoS Genet,2022
  9. The Attention Training Technique Reduces Anxiety and Depression in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease: A Pilot Feasibility StudyFrontiers in Psychology 2022
  10. Relationships between depression, anxiety, type D personality, and worry and rummination in patients with coronary heart diseaseFrontiers in Psychology 2022
  11. Insomnia in patients with coronary heart disease: prevalence and correlates. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 2021
  12. Shared genetic architecture between neuroticism, coronary artery disease and cardiovascular risk factors, Translational Psychiatry 2021
  13.  Worry and rumination predict insomnia in patients with coronary heart disease: a cross-sectional study with long-term follow-up. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 2021