The NORCOR project has a strong user-involvement in the study planning, implementation, and dissemination phase. The user-group was established in 2016 and include user-group representatives from “Landsforeningen for Hjerte og Lungesyke”, “Mental Helse” and the “Norwegian Health Association” (n=3), general practitioners (n=5), nurses (n=3), and clinical cardiologists (n=2). The user group have meetings 3-4 times a year. Øivind Kristensen form the Norwegian Health Association and Jan Robert Grøndahl, practice consultant in Vestre Viken, participate in the steering committees of the ongoing projects.
The user-group also contributes significantly in the development of self-reported study questionnaires and patient information letters. They also discuss ethical aspects and the study implementation, when necessary. Finally, the user-group and our collaborating patient organizations contribute to broad dissemination of the study results.