• Munkhaugen J. Follow-up after a heart attack – is it good enough? Lecture for members of the local team of the National Association for Public Health in Bø in Telemark 3 May 2018
  • Munkhaugen J. «Principles and experiences in media handling» Course in communication and dissemination communication under the auspices of the National Association for Public Health, Oslo, 19.10 18.
  • Munkhaugen J. How to improve treatment and follow-up after a heart attack?
  • Knowledge-based and personalized secondary prophylaxis in coronary patients. Lecture for the National Association The Norwegian Cardiovascular Council 22.11.17
  • Munkhaugen J. Prevention of cardiovascular disease. Lecture for members of the local team of the National Association for Public Health in Gol 9 May 2017.