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Atorvastatin Metabolite Pattern in Skeletal Muscle and Blood from Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Statin-Associated Muscle Symptoms . Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2023.
Barriers and facilitators for smoking cessation in chronic smokers with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease enrolled in a randomized intervention trial – a qualitative study. Frontiers in Psychology vol 14, 2023
Risk of recurrent cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease patients with Type D personality. Frontiers in Psychology , vol 14, 2023
Psychiatric disorders, rumination, and metacognitions in patients with type D personality and coronary heart disease , Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2023
Achieving the unachievable: How to optimize lipid lowering therapy in survivors of acute myocardial infarction . Polish Heart Journal 2023.
Individualisert risikoreduksjon. 2021 Guidelines in CVD prevention . Hjerteforum 2023 (#Referater, s. 90-93)
Plasma concentration of atorvastatin metabolites correlates with low-densitylipoprotein cholesterol reduction in patients with coronary heart disease . Pharmacology Research & Perspectives 2023
Insomnia was associated with increased risk of recurrent cardiovascular events in coronary heart disease patients . ESC Preventive Cardiology Congress, Malaga 13-15 Mai 2023. Vitenskapelig foredrag av Lars Aastebøl Frøjd , John Munkhaugen mfl.
Validation of a novel direct method to determine reduced adherence to atorvastatin therapy . ESC Preventive Cardiology Congress, Malaga 13-15 Mai 2023. Vitenskapelig foredrag av John Munkaugen
Atorvastatin lactone/acid ratios are promising biomarkers for statin dependent muscular side effects in patients with coronary heart disease . ESC Preventive Cardiology Congress, Malaga 13-15 Mai 2023. Vitenskapelig foredrag av Trine Lauritzen , John Munkhaugen mfl.
Predictors of health-related quality of life in outpatients with coronary heart disease . Frontiers in Psychlogy 2023
Plasma-Metanephrines in Patients with Autoimmune Addison’s Disease with and without Residual Adrenocortical Function . Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023
PCSK9-hemmere på blå resept for hvem? Tidsskriftet for Den norske legeforening 2023
Validation of a novel direct method to determine reduced adherence to atorvastatin therapy . European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2023
Health-related quality of life in outpatients with coronary heart disease: impact of type D personality, depression, anxiety and insomnia . European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2023
Atorvastatin lactone/acid ratios are promising biomarkers for statin dependent muscular side effects in patients with coronary heart disease . European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2023
Betablokkere etter hjerteinfarkt – Skal den fortsatt gis? Hjerteposten : fagtidsskrift for NSFs landsgruppe av kardiologiske sykepleiere 2023, utgave 2, sider: 28-32.
E. Sverre og medarbeidere svarer. Kommentar. Tidsskriftet for Den norske legeforening 2023
Treatment patterns and adherence to lipid-lowering drugs during 8 years of follow-up after a cardiovascular event . ESC European Society of Cardiology Congress, Amsterdam 25.08-28.08. 2023. Poster presentasjon av Ingrid Engebretsen mfl.
Treatment patterns and adherence to lipid-lowering drugs during 8 years of follow-up after a cardiovascular event . European Heart Journal 2023
Attention training technique delivered in groups as treatment for anxiety and depression in patients with coronary heart disease: Study protocol for a waiting-list randomised controlled trial . Frontiers in Psychology 2023.
Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Clinical and Biochemical Characteristics of Alemtuzumab-Induced Graves Disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2023
Atorvastatin lactonization is associated with statin-dependent muscular side effects in patient with coronary heart disease . 21st International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology , Oslo 24-27 September 2023. Poster presentasjon av Trine Lauritzen mfl.
Emerging tools in statin treatment for improved cardiovascular disease prevention . 21st International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology , Oslo 24-27 September 2023. Vitenskapelig foredrag av John Munkhaugen.
ESC PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY 2023 – utvalgte presentasjoner innen sekundærprevensjon . Hjerteforum 36(3) 2023 s. 82-84.
Altered biomarkers for cardiovascular disease and inflammation in autoimmune Addison’s disease – a cross-sectional study | European Journal of Endocrinology | Oxford Academic ( . European Journal of Endocrinology (EJE) 2023
Skrøpelighet, helsekompetanse og egenomsorg hos pasienter som innlegges med akutt hjertesvikt. Tidsskriftet for Den norske legeforening 2023
Editorial: Progress in Understanding and Treating Distress, Sleep, and Personality in Heart and Lung Disease. Frontiers in Psychology 2023
Cardiac rehabilitation participation within 6 months of discharge in 37 136 myocardial infarction survivors: a nationwide registry study . European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2023
Long-Term Outcomes of Invasive vs Conservative Strategies for Older Patients With Non–ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2023
The Danish-Norwegian randomized trial on beta-blocker therapy after myocardial infarction: Design, rationale, and baseline characteristics . European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy , 2023
Ventricular arrhythmias in arrhythmic mitral valve syndrome – a prospective continuous long-term cardiac monitoring study . EP Europace, 2022/2023
Utvalgte høydepunkter innen forebyggende kardiologi . Hjerteforum 4-2023 (artikkel, s. 109-110)